Email Cheker your email checking best friend

Want to make check the address you are sending an email to is good? No need for guesswork. Check with’s single email verification.

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How it works

1. To check an email you don't need to upload any list. You only have to enter the email adress

2. Let’s powerful algorithms do check.

3. Get the result. If it flagged as “valid” then hit send button without thinking. If it’s invalid then check for syntax errors or find the right address.

Why single email checker 

  • Increase the deliverability:Start reaching the right inbox, your campaign is only as good as your emails' deliverability.
  • Don't Upload a list: Checking a bulck emails is good, But, upload a whole list for one email is wast of time, with our email checker is the easy way to verify a signle email.
  • High accuracy and performance:’s email checker has been here for years. Now with Mailtester new platform, the accuracy is 99%. Now, anywhere or anytime you can check your email address. single email checker

Flexible pricing options

Choose the plan that suits you the best

Monthly subscription One time

  • 5,000

    Email Verifications

  • 10,000

    Email Verifications

  • 30,000

    Email Verifications

  • 50,000

    Email Verifications

  • 100,000

    Email Verifications

  • 300,000

    Email Verifications

  • 500,000

    Email Verifications

  • 1,000,000

    Email Verifications

  • 2,500,000

    Email Verifications

  • 5,000,000

    Email Verifications

  • 10,000,000

    Email Verifications

  • 100

    Verifications / Month

  • 1,000

    Verifications / Month

  • 5,000

    Verifications / Month

  • 10,000

    Verifications / Month

  • 25,000

    Verifications / Month


Customer testimonials

Heath Atwood

Email Marketing Expert

When I signed up for, I was a bit skeptical at first. How much difference can it make for a relatively smaller company like us? Answer: a lot. We didn’t change our email strategy much still our email open rate has increased like 3-4%. I recommend

Caitlynn Potts

Chief Marketing Officer

We were looking for a mail validation service that can handle a large volume of emails and return accurate results. Now Mailtester is our go-to solution.

Joshua Mcnair


We are a small startup and can’t afford to spend hundreds of dollars every month on email verification.’s flexible pricing plan works for us. And the service you would get is excellent.

Alex Lee

Sales And Customer Success Manager
AB Real Estate

Efficient, reliable and pocket friendly--- I love I have personally recommended this app to my entreprenuer friends.

Jordy Eubanks


Mailtester is awesome. We have big lists here with us and we keep them clean with It never disappoints.

Anaiah Whitten

Marketing Expert

I am a fan. is super accurate and easy to use. I set it up and forget about it. It’s doing its job without any issue.

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in the inbox today

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